Video : Interview recorded in August 2014 at Boston University for the students of Prof. Campbell's course on International law and Practice (int)
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Speaker : Louis Bernard Buchman
De nationalité française, Louis B. Buchman est diplômé de l'Université de Paris I.
Il est avocat au Barreau de Paris depuis 1974 (titulaire de mentions de spécialisations en droit international et de l'Union Européenne et en droit de l'arbitrage) et au Barreau de New York depuis 1989.
Il est associé dans le département règlements des litiges de Fieldfisher. Ses domaines de compétences sont le contentieux, l'arbitrage et la médiation, le droit de la concurrence, la propriété intellectuelle et les contrats commerciaux internationaux. Il conseille des sociétés grandes et de taille intermédiaire et des détenteurs de patrimoines importants. Il est de temps à autre désigné comme arbitre.
Il est l'auteur de plusieurs publications et articles concernant l'arbitrage et la médiation, les garanties bancaires et la gouvernance des sociétés.
Louis est régulièrement nommé par l'OMPI juge administratif de litiges de noms de domaine.
Ses décisions peuvent être téléchargées en suivant ce lien :
Il dirige le Comité de Services Juridiques du Conseil des Barreaux Européens (CCBE).
Ayant travaillé dans le secteur de l'énergie pendant plus de 40 ans, Louis possède aussi une expertise particulière dans ce domaine. Il a notamment fait partie de l'équipe qui a négocié la première licence tripartite et le premier accord technique concernant un réacteur nucléaire à eau sous pression.
Louis est Fellow du Chartered Institute of Arbitrators et capitaine de vaisseau de la Marine Nationale. Il est actuellement Membre du Conseil de l'Ordre des avocats de Paris.
Outre le français, il parle anglais et polonais et a une bonne compréhension de l'italien et de l'allemand.
Louis-Bernard Buchman is ranked as a leading expert in France in international arbitration, with over 35 years' experience as counsel and arbitrator in commercial disputes.
Louis is on the panels of the American Arbitration Association, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Polish Arbitration Court in Warsaw. He has participated in over 40 international arbitrations (and several French domestic arbitrations) in many countries and under a wide variety of Arbitration Rules (such as UNCITRAL, LCIA, ICC, ICDR, Polish Arbitration Court, WIPO, International Seeds Federation), and chaired several arbitral tribunals. The French Bar certified him as a specialist in Arbitration Law.
He is also a WIPO and ICDR trained mediator and has participated in several international mediations, held in New York.
In addition, WIPO regularly appoints Louis-Bernard as neutral to adjudicate domain-name disputes. His decisions can be viewed by clicking here.
He also regularly appears in court with respect to challenges to arbitration awards and regularly advises on selecting and drafting appropriate arbitration clauses in contracts.
As a member of the Paris Bar, Louis-Bernard is admitted to practice in all French courts (except the Council of State and the Court of Cassation). He is also admitted in New York, and registered to practice in the Courts of the Dubai International Financial Centre.
He is the chair of the International Legal Services Committee of the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union (CCBE).
Louis-Bernard has spoken widely and written many articles.
Louis has also a particular expertise in the Energy Sector, having worked in it for over forty years. He was part of the legal team which negociated the first tripartite license and know-how agreement regarding a pressurized water nuclear reactor.
He speaks French and English fluently, has good language skills in Polish and Italian, and can hold a basic conversation in German.
In his spare time, he travels with his wife and children. He was a Captain in the French Navy (Ret.)